A lady e-mailed me asking if women are allowed to join "traditional" motorcycle clubs.
The answer is "no".
Most three-piece patch motorcycle clubs do not allow women to become full-fledged members. Women are seen as "property of" patched members. A club member's woman can party and hang out with the club, but usually that's about it. The motorcycle club is a man's club.
Some motorcycle clubs have an auxiliary club for women, but do not offer members any priviledges into the motorcycle club itself.
The one-piece patch motorcycle clubs, on the other hand, often do let women join as full-fledged members and wear club patches. They go through the same process of hanging around, becoming a prospect, and then earning their patch.
Riding clubs also allow women to join.
Of course, there are also motorcycle clubs for women that are not associated with any men's motorcycle clubs. Depending on what state they're located in, they may even have membership with the COC.
The reasons for excluding women is largely because of tradition. The clubs that spawned after WWII largely came about as soliders, sailors, and pilots returned from the war and still wanted some kind of club that kept their clicques together. They found motorcycles, and rode together, just like flying planes in a squadron. That brotherhood continued forward as a standard among motorcycle clubs.
There's also a practical reason, and it's that when you allow women to have full priviledges as patch holders, the members jeopardize their brotherhood bond. Women patchholders start romances with the male patchholders, jealously sets in, and then revenge. The club starts fragmenting into smaller clicques.
It's not just an issue with three-piece patch clubs, but in all clubs. It's just that three-piece patch clubs simply can't afford to have these issues.
D’Hanis, TX - SKP
1 week ago
As the first female patch holder of a club, I am very aware of the issues that can come up.
ReplyDeleteOne that I have made a point to do my best to avoid is issues with the wives/primary girlfriends of the other club members.
Believe me, if the women (property) in an all men's club don't like you.. you aren't getting in.
Top it off.. I am a single female, which makes it hard to get the trust of the women. I don't want their men. I want to ride with my brothers that is all. The wives aren't allowed to come to the meetings or have a vote, so me being where they can't go is hard for some of them.
I keep my P's and Q's straight when it comes to the club. I make it a point to talk to the wives whenever they are around.
I keep in contact with the wives as much as I do my brothers.
However, I have made my loyalties clear. Do not ask me what my brothers do when you are not around. I am NOT here to be your eyes and ears. These are my brothers and this is our club. Period.
Romance in the club huh? lol Yeah, I went there before I became a Prospect. Thing is, it was our business. Nobody knew and well.. now we are just good friends.
Some women know what is important and what is not. My claws come out just like every other woman. However, my club comes first above anything and anyone else.
Oh yeah, and I am fiercely protective over the club and very skeptical of any other woman who comes around that wants to join. No possessive.. protective. If she can get through my process (by coming at me straight), she is a good fit. If she starts playing games and crying to a guy patch holder to protect her, the club is in a world of trouble if they let her in.
I will say I like your style of writing and your honesty. I live in Lancaster and ride a sportbike. I plan on going to the Hurricane Biker Girl event next month. Who knows.. maybe I will see you and your wife on my journey that way. :)
Sober MC Allows full women members - I think most 3 patch AA clubs do
ReplyDeleteYes - at the last AA mc roundup there were many female patch holders.
Deletegypsy mc alows women to prospect patch and hold office we wear a three piece patch
ReplyDeleteWhat state
DeleteWhat I find interesting that, as a cop and a Harley owner, I cannot become a member of any 3 piece patch club dedicated to law enforcement members. So I'm good enough to go into a gun battle with, but not wear colors with? I can get into hand to hand battle alongside ya, but how dare I want to ride next to you! How f'ed up is that. Don't even get me started on the romance theory either. I am quite straight and quite happy with my non-motorcycle owning man. My point is, times have changed, we do battle together now, accept it.
ReplyDeleteIts because they cant do drugs in front of you, sell them, or beat anyone up for that matter. Does that answer your why question?
Deletesure you can....it is called Iron order
DeleteI agree - I am 30 years LEO and a harley rider - why am I good enough to back you up and fight next to you but can not wear the same 3 piece patch...... I have earned my dues as a street cop day in and day out.... times are changing an I think LEO with arrest powers that are female should be considered on a person by person situation....... I may have saved your ass on the street an I will continue to do that...... so let me in an ride with you side by side as a 3 patch club member!!!
DeleteMost three piece patch clubs do not view women as property anymore (that's not to say all). But they will never be members in a MENS club, not just for the reasons that were mentioned in the article but also for the bar fight reasons. What is a 150 lb. women going to do when her "brother" is in a fight with three 6 foot 2, 260 lb members from another club? Yell? Also what about confrontations between her and another club member, is she willing to take a punch in the face from a man? Is he willing to hit her?
ReplyDeleteAnd what about (I know this is going to piss alot of women off),but clubs sometimes have to be very delicate with each other and choose their words carefully lest they start a war or big problems, but if she is having that monthly thing and she is irrational, then everyone now has a hugemess to work through, and people could get hurt or even die. It's just too much drama and extra work For a MENS club, just join a womens club.
Why anonomous
DeleteFrom who
DeleteSorry to inform you but I am the only women in an all mans MC, I weight 92 pounds. And they have know problem with having me at their backs. Its not your size or gender its whats in your heart. Oh and I been riding for 47 years and work on my own bike. Being a women in an MC is way harder than being a man. Because your constantly having to prove yourself to some in the beginning. What gets me a women can work fight and crap next to a man and ride for years but never be recognized because they are a women. And a man can never ride in his life and go buy a bike at 50 don't know anything about the MC world and have cuts on his back in 6 months. I've seen several men run when the crap goes down when women jump up and help. this is 2015. And we live in the United States not some primitive country. Get over your egos its not about wanting to be a man. But having the rights to enjoy the benefits that a man gets.....
DeleteI agree. I live in Canada and can't find a mc club. There are lots of riding clubs , but I want to be in a MC club.I am a registered amateur boxing and have a green belt in kick boxing. I will have someones back. The womens riding clubs here think they are badass and stab you in the back. No family like they say.
Deletesorry but most females I have seen patch, bring drama to clubs. You may be 1 out of 1000 women who are cool, can ride, and turn a wrench. However, 98% of females I would not want sitting at my table.
DeleteWhy can't men have a club of their own, why is it sexist if they want a little guy time. As a police officer I work with women and I treat them the same as male officers. I am married so I don't try to get to know them on any other level but personal, why should I have to feel bad for wanting to be in a club were I can just hang with the boys for a awhile? Do men not rate a little freedom from women, please don't make a issue out of this u want a club start one committed to you fellow female officers then but leave ours alone.
ReplyDeleteI don't call is being sexist, but when you marry a man, have children, and work your ass off as a women, your ride with him on your own bike, blah blah, and then its supposed to be ok, for him to take off disappear at the drop of a phone call, shut off his phone, and leave you hanging, that is not respect. Along side of later finding out that your husband stayed out all night with a bunch of "his brothers" at strip joint and one of them ends up in the hospital with overdoing it on cocaine. That's why their is drama! Let your wife be in a club, with secrets, partying, inviting single men, laying out and getting hammered, and leave him at the drop of a hat with the kids, and no knowledge of your return, and see how well he accepts your sister club. Fights, blood, getting hit in the face because you can't pay your dues, no thank you, I'd rather find a another husband. I am so over this crap. The brothers don't care if they break up your marriage and leave your children without a dad. That's not just hanging out! That's destroying your family.
DeleteI guess I'm having a dilemma with all this. I've been invited to prospect for a traditional mc. My old lady is a great rider, keeps in formation with the club when she comes along, and the guys really like her. I've ridden more miles with her and had more adventures than with anyone else over the years. I don't think I can blow her off and leave her behind like that, as if she wasn't good enough any more. she sure wouldn't do it to me. I wish there was an alternative. We'll figure it out.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are trying to find the same thing, a club/group organization that allows couples to ride together......and don't get me wrong I do allow him his guy time and in return I get a chilled relaxed husband coming home.....but on the same note he misses having me with ride with him.......
DeleteEagles riders mc Wisconsin allows men and woman and is a 3 peice patch.
DeleteMy husband did do me like that! He joined his club and left be behind. I ride more miles than every rider in that club and a bigger bigger bike. I even work on my own bike. As my husband himself said, "she could outride anyone in the club." I understand the reasoning of brotherhood and respect it but why such a stink about having a women's club. It's like the only kind of womens club around here is if your lesbian(which I am not) I love to ride and would love to find other women that feel the same way I do.I am not going to stay behind cooking and cleaning. I have ridden by myself for so long now I welcome the day I can find some sisters and ride!
ReplyDeleteBravo you go girl. That's the attitude we need more of
DeleteI may be doing a TV film/doc about lady bikers/ women MC. I realize you would be interested in starting your own club correct? Where/in what state, are you located?
ReplyDeleteReally? Wtf?
DeleteI understand some pretty valid points here. As woman I don't have many female friends because of the kind of drama mentioned. My husband is already a member of the club I'd like to join, and we are VERY dedicated to each other so jealousy issues and blah, blah, blah, don't really apply to this. I'm 5'4" but stocky, and occasionally get mistaken for a man and can throw my 6'3" 280lb. husband around. My brother grew up to be a bouncer, I had to be tough. I think should be allowed to probate, I ain't asking for special treatment, but I guess my tits count more than my tires.
ReplyDeleteAs they say, If it's got tits or tires, it's gonna give you problems. You should join a woman's club as the Sgt. at Arms. Let your man do his thing while you do yours....
ReplyDeleteWomen don't be allowed to join a real club not because they cannot bar fight but because they make a mess out of everything they get involved with.
ReplyDelete"They" make a mess out of everything... So since a woman made you, is that what you are? A mess.
DeleteFor starters...speaking the English language may get people to listen to you. You are American...right....saying things Like "women dont be" makes you sound really fucking dumb.
DeleteI'm an officer in a women's motorcycle club. We have a 1 piece patch. We are a support club for a 1% club. We hang around....we prospect....some patch up. We ride long and hard in all types of weather.
ReplyDeleteSome of the things pointed out are entertaining.. Women who ride are a breed of their own, we are not like other women, we can hold our own on and off the road. There are men who can be just as dramatic and shit.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have found, and what I like about the Biker world and culture is that it will always come down to respect.
I know that as a woman I have gained the trust and respect from the 1%ers in my area. I respect their choice to be an all male club. So, no I can not prospect or be a patch member.. but, I know they love and respect me as I do them. They have my back, even if it doesn't have their patch on it.. because of what is in our hearts and soul.
my boy friend is in a MC club i love it all the way but theres other ladys that never been with clubs and no how to act what there not to do or do ive been there for years when i say some thing about what they do they think iam a dum ass about the respect that there not giving there old man or others how do i go about trying to let them no so they dont get introuble
Its not your responsibility to warn people about what kind of behavior they have or say, if there really that way inclined they'll figure it out them selves, if not they don't belong there.
DeleteI am in a MC club i earned my patch the same way my brorhers have i out ride many of them and to be told that because whats between my legs make me diffrent really hurts. take a look around most of the trouble that comes out of the clubs comes from the men I have earned respect from the riders on the set what went on in your life in the 1900 is not going on any longer things change. praying for understanding for all my bro n sis.
ReplyDeleteus women fought for the right to be equal. we stand with men on the battle field but we cannot ride with you how many men are here because of a women. how many have had there lives saved by a woman the doctors n nurses and military females but we still not good enough to ride with but u need us to put your parties together n keep your books and things give us a little more respect please this issue is sadbecause it should not be a issue.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't men have their own exclusive fraternities, where they can fellowship, engage in manly activities, interests, without having to cater, pander, to women's wants and desires / women's interests? Society has now gone to the other extreme, end of the sexist spectrum, where men aren't allowed to do have or do anything, if women aren't also included. They want to invade every "man space" they can, depriving men from being able to develop genuine, fraternal relationships with each other, as they've done for tens of thousands of years.
ReplyDeleteMen need some "man space", where they can train, sweat, build, fight and bleed together, as we've been doing for the last tens of thousands of years as hunter gatherers, tribesmen, soldiers..etc, developing their masculinity (their masculine strengths/potential/virtues..). Stop trying to "unisex" our lives and emasculate us, turning us into a bunch of weak metro-sexual pu@#ies. OK? Create your own motorcycle clubs or become an honorary member of one of ours by becoming our girlfriends or wives.."Property Of", is an honor and good MCs always respect and look after their women.
Its not about out riding. Its not about our doing. Its about loyalty and respect. And women cause problems...this is coming from a female to boot.
ReplyDeleteNot all females cause problems, like many men commenting claim. Some of us simply want to be respected as equals and allowed to attend club meetings instead of being expected to sit at home baking cookies and shit. Fuck that.
ReplyDeleteI still say that the requirements for a woman to be able to join a male-dominated club should be high, and that she should be required to meet the requirements that have already been met by a randomly chosen full patch holder, usually the smallest one. That will allow female membership without letting in the weak.
ReplyDeleteI'm imagining something like this as a fair test:
ReplyDelete"You want your colors, miss? Well, you can have them. There they are, on Tiny, the big guy over in the corner, the one that's 6'2" and weighs 260lbs. I'm warning you, he's tough, and he won't give them up without a fight. If you can take yours from him, you can have them. As for me, I think he'd kill you if you tried that, and you're welcome to give up and go home right now, but if you can get yours from him, you will have our undying respect and astonishment. And if you can come back with them, we'll throw him out, and call you Tiny instead."
Did you take out tiny to get your colors, are you tiny? I am thinking you are just tiny on intellect.
DeleteTiny? No problem. Glock 22...one and he's done.
ReplyDeletelmao That's just what would do it
Deletesig 9mm done
ReplyDeletelmao sound like you have a little drama there yourself. Some of you guys tickle the crap out of me with your. Women and their drama. People are drama period lmao
DeleteWhy didn't you name ur 1% all male club?
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why I'm prospecting in an all women's 3 piece patch club....because of this type of conversation. I used to feel differently, but now I feel like men and women's clubs should be separate. I don't have time to worry about weather or not a man can or will respect me in his club. I don't want to be in your club. Women need to be able to bond without the influence of men. There's less drama with men out of the picture. I'm not looking for a man's acceptance, why should I when a man can't become a member of the club. Ladies just do your own thing. It's less drama for us and them.
ReplyDeleteI watched In the Life with Lisa Ling last night about the Mongols...what resonated with me is the sense of someone having my back, I have never...in my entire life...had someone have my back. There is no respect, no trust....and I need that, I need someone to not screw around, lie, I need to be able to take your word and bank on it....and I haven't found it. I'm female, had traditional and untraditional jobs, been with men and women. Now, I'm 50.... Someday, I will find my tribe, my brothers and/or sisters who will have my back if necessary. Hit me up with an email moiaddy@hotmail.com if you know of a club I could prospect to...
ReplyDeleteWhat state do you live in moiaddy?
ReplyDeleteI'm in my 50's, chunky farm raised country gal, welder/mechanic. I'm a woman, only time I don't ride if theres ice on the roads and super heavy rain storms.
ReplyDeleteUsed to ride choppers, am into the club lifestyle.
Your club is your family, All your brothers and the club come first. If that means putting someone down, you do it. If you want respect, you have to fight, and learn how to win, if the clubs at stake. Clubs have territories, and they will fight to keep it. Same with their finances and their bikes. also their families. You have to learn the politics of the club.
Want to build a all womans club....advertise for members.
Join a established club, hang around, show your worth, if you can pull your weight, they can find a position....
The TV show bullshit does not apply. Its kinda showing what sometimes goes on....thats about it.
Want respect and want in, earn it....
I'm loyal, my frienship/partenership can't be bought, or bargained for.
I have male friends in several clubs....
Its tough being in a males club....
have anyone see a all female club with a three piece patch with property
ReplyDeleteI am a member of a Women's three piece patch motorcycle club. This club was established by two sisters in 2011. We ride, attend events of other motorcycle clubs on our area. We hold our own events to raise money for Casey Cares Foundation, Greyhound Reacue Foundation toys for tots. Last year we had to rent a U-haul to deliver the toys for these children. We worked every Saturday through this past July 2016 collecting toys for this year. Last night we did a guest bartender at a local bar, all going to Casey Cares. We have a Hogs and Dogs wash coming up. We stay busy doing GREAT things for others. We have been featured in the Fast Lane Magazine. Check us out on the web or Facebook. We are Maidens Choice Women Motorcycle Club of Baltimore Maryland. Great group of women. Look to the Lord for your strength. Be safe. Breeze Club Chaplin MCWMC
ReplyDeleteI live live in a area where female clubs are rare. This is most dissapointing to me!! I've been around bikes my whole life, 32 years old and have been riding for 5 years, it took me a long time to finally get my bike and I'm damn proud!! My life has been anything but easy, I've put myself in holes and dark places and climbed my way out. I've always had male friends and have been around many clubs. I have a tendency to stay away from most of the females, as many that I have meet around these male clubs are "pass arounds" and I DO NOT want to be thought of in his way. Every once in a while, I meet females who are like me in their personalities. I am a very strong minded, independent female and do not take shit from anyone!! Quality of friends is more important than quantity!! I've always been the girl that does anything and everything that isn't considered "feminine". Love getting greasy and working on anything, fix my own cars, my own bikes, getting dirty. I love learning from my male mechanic friends. It's been very hard for me being a women in the mans world but have an understanding of mutual respect and don't carry myself as a "women" at all when around my male friends. With that being said, I desire so much to be part of a sisterhood that is more like the brotherhood in clubs that I visit and spend time with. Around my area, there isn't any and the ones that are close, I don't take interest in because they are francished with the "look at me" attitude. I am bound and determined to start my own female MC with like minded women that want to ride. I will expect out of my club many of the same expectations that comes with any make MC!!! I am needing some help and advice on how to make this happen, I don't care if I spend the rest of my life trying to make this happen!! I've done lots of research and history learning about all types of clubs and observing the ways of clubs that I visit with. Does anyone have some insight for me??!!
ReplyDeleteSometimes it is very hard to find good content on Woman join motorcycle club topic. But your blog is my way of desired information; I will suggest your posts to my interested Woman biker friends. Hope more people will appreciate your posts.
ReplyDeleteHi. I have just had a really heated debate with my partner. He is in a mc and i also have my own bike for more than 20 years. I am a better rider than most!. I want to be a member of a club but à dont want to be an all woman club! Why? I live in spain and there are no women mc where i live. So tired of being property of. Ive got more balls than most! Help!