If this week had any kind of theme to it, it's that I was able to reunite with some old riding friends that I hadn't ridden with in a long time.
Thursday, my friend Mel showed up for a ride to Carlsbad, to get some lunch at the Harbor Fish Cafe. I hadn't seen him in about 5 months. He's been going through a lot of life changes recently.
Friday afternoon, I hooked up with Kathy, who had been a member of the last riding club I was in. We rode down to Fallbrook to grab some burgers at downtown pub. For her, it's been work that's been keeping her away from the rest of the riding crowd. The other thing is that her new boyfriend is still learning how to ride, and he doesn't want to ride in a group yet.
Friday evening, I got together with Lori, and we rode out to Skip Fordyce Harley-Davidson to partake in their bike night. I hadn't seen her in a few months. She and her boyfriend have been riding south to San Diego to hang out with the HOG chapter there.
In fact at the bike night, I ran into Byron, a guy I've ridden with a few times, but hadn't seen since last Fall. So we talked about what's been going on. He's just been doing his own thing.
Saturday afternoon (earlier today), my friend Tom and I ran into Chris, a guy we rode with a few months ago. We found him chowing down on a burger at Killarney's Irish Pub in Temecula. Chris is a newcomer to the Riverside County area. He's been busy working on his new house.
Mesa, AZ
1 day ago
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